Learn How to Communicate in Spanish  Healthcare Context.

In MediComunicate, we provide you with the opportunity to enhance your Spanish communication skills within the healthcare context. Through practical cases and simulations, realistic scenarios, enhancing the essential skills needed for effective communication with your patients.

What We Offer 

Clinical case simulations

Practice conversational and clinical scenarios through simulations to enhance communication in realistic medical settings.

Specialized vocabulary

Focus on learning specific vocabulary related to diagnostics, treatments, and medical procedures for precise communication.

Cultural integration

Explore the medical  culture of the Hispanic  world and strengthen  intercultural skills.

Our Objective

  • Facilitate proficiency in the Spanish language for medical professionals through interactive sessions.
  • Focus on specialized vocabulary, clinical simulations, and an understanding of Spanish-speaking medical culture.
  • Support healthcare professionals as they navigate the Spanish language in medical care.

Our Mission

  • Create a dynamic and participatory educational environment, enabling students to acquire linguistic skills and a solid cultural foundation.
  • Enhance the medical professional's ability to communicate effectively within the context of Spanish-speaking medical communities.
  • Offer the medical community the opportunity to learn Spanish and thus support a  deeper  understanding of the medical culture in the Spanish-speaking world.


Our Vision

  • Provide medical professionals a flexible space to practice and improve their Spanish  communication skills.
  • Teach necessary skills for effective communication in Spanish with patients via clinical  scenario simulations.